How to handle multiple job offers

Posted on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 by Sharon EvansNo comments


How to handle multiple job offers


While an exciting and privileged position to be in, receiving more than one job offer can be challenging and stressful.  I have come up with six steps to help through the process and you secure the right role for you.


I would recommend being transparent and upfront with any potential employer about another job offer. Thank them for the positive news,  then explain that you are taking the job search process seriously and would like to explore all options before making a choice. Agree on a time that you will go back to them with your final decision.


Ask for the job offer details in writing and use this opportunity to conduct more research – read the job description again and check you are happy with all the responsibilities.

Looking at Glassdoor, Google and Feefo may show employee and customer reviews, Companies House will demonstrate their financial position and posts on Linkedin help to understand the culture of the business. You may also want to get in touch with other members of the team to get a feel for the people you will be potentially working with.

Think about the long term

By looking at your long-term objectives,  you can consider whether the company will provide opportunities to advance your professional career and offer further training and personal development to do so. If you have more questions, list them all down and don’t be worried about going back to the recruiter or company to get the all information you need.


This may be the time to go back to your job wish list, evaluate each offer and consider what really is a non-negotiable for you.  This could include salary, benefits, hours of work, job title, training, commute, flexibility on working hours and company culture.

You may be in a position to negotiate at this point and ensure you get the must-haves that are important for you and your lifestyle.

Ask for help

Your recruiter should be able to provide further information on the company, how it performs and looks after its current employees.  They may have assisted with recruitment for the business previously and be able to let you know about the length of service and other employees career paths. They will be there to talk through and weigh up each job offer and negotiate on your behalf.

After the event

Whatever decision you do make, it’s important to act quickly and courteously. Respond to the recruiting manager as soon as possible - to either enthusiastically accept the position or politely decline, expressing appreciation for their time and briefly explaining why you haven’t accepted.

Good luck!




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